Thursday, April 22, 2010

Will the Real Obama Policy Please Stand Up

Over the past few months there's been so much done to fix the problems at home we haven't really seen the Obama administration do what they promised. Clean up America's image with the rest of the world. Considering we have a "dream team" of foreign policy experts scattered amongst the Obama cabinet (ex. VP Biden, Sec. of State Clinton, Cheif of Staff Emanuel) we haven't seen them do much or frankly say much (unless you count Biden cursing every time he gets a other thought amazing how you go from such a power VP to such a wimp).

Iraq is a mess, Afghanistan is a mess, Pakistan is a mess, oh and the Israeli's have completely slapped Clinton and Biden in the face every time they speak up against the new settlements proposed in the middle of Jerusalem (which by the way will either give them all the good land in Jerusalem or lead to nothing but more control for the Israeli's). I've been reading some articles on how important peace in Israel is and more importantly the renewed focus on establishing a Palestinian state...yet no movement. The Israeli's don't care what the US says and are putting settlements into play so they can as usual dictate the peace process (if you consider talking about it in the media a peace process).

President Obama has a lot on his plate, yes, but frankly so does every President that's why you surround yourself with strong tough minded experienced politicians that will help lay the groundwork for your policy. Yes its been a short time, yes the economy is in the tanks, etc etc...however we over the past 10 years have screwed so many things up we need to start repairing them. If we correct one simple problem (a two fair state solution in Israel) this will help calm down much of the tension around the Muslim world.

Now that the economy is rebounding its time for the Obama administration to step up and push their foreign policy. Step 1 let the Israel's know that the Jewish lobby in the US won't dictate US Foreign Policy but the best interest of the United States will and right now an apartheid free Palestinian state is the solution. President Obama stop giving us speeches and start giving us results.

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