Monday, April 19, 2010

New iPhone "Leaked"

Today somehow someway the newest iPhone version was "leaked"...amazingly everyone seems to think that it was an unintentional mishap by one of the Apple employees. I on the other hand do NOT think so.

Do Apple employees who get wasted at a small bar in Redwood City get new products almost three months before its going to be launched, maybe (i don't think so...but hey your reading this so anythings possible). Secondly, Apple has blossomed over the past few years cultivating buzz around new product launches, (I know Jobs gets up and does his dog and pony show at various conferences) but if you remember he will no longer be doing so due to the fact every time he looks even worse on stage health concerns drive the stock price down. I personally think that this was another controlled and calculated move by the Apple branding machine, but I'm probably wrong. The best way to get people's opinions is to get buzz on the internet and have it spread like wildfire (which if your Apple isn't hard to do these days). Jobs from what I understand runs his ship very tight and if this really was a mistake, well Stevie J will cut the person's head off using his new iPad.

Regardless of you what think Apple has one of the strongest brands in the world and mistake or not just the sight of a new product by Apple has the whole internet buzzing.


  1. Atif,

    I would like to applaud you your first blog. I always love listening to your psycho babbly, but now you have blessed me with the kind gift of be able to read it too! bravo...this is exactly what my life was missing. so, how about we start posting up important matters that targets a wider range of audience attention? For example, your thoughts on this weekend.
