Monday, April 26, 2010

Goldsach Bags

I've always looked at Goldman Sachs as a standard barrier for investment banks, they always set the trend in the market, always attract the best and brightest, and make a gang load of money doing what they do. Now there's a lot of scrutiny on what they did right before, during, and after the mortgage crisis / recession.

A few thoughts on can they be penalized for playing within the rules, rules setup by the same politicians that are now investigating them for being "shady"...its tough to blame Goldman Sachs for doing what they did logically how can they best represent their clients while taking a huge loss of profit, thus lowering their stock price. How can we ask a bank to have clients who they represent and at the same time allow individuals to own equity in their corporation??? Really who's best interest are they supposed to have the clients that help fund their bank or the investors that help pay their checks...

Morally what Goldman did was frankly despicable, but from a business perspective they bet against earlier mistakes (toxic debt they accumulated), increased EPS (earning per share), and got paid with fatty bonuses! They did exactly what any well run corporation would do, made money for their investors and cut their losses before they got too deep. How can we ask them to do any different?

I hope they don't get penalized and I hope the politicians in DC realize our system needs an overhaul...right now it just looks like DC is covering their own tracks in the court of public opinion by making somebody besides themselves the scapegoat. I'm sure we'll see more of this as we approach November (Mid-Term election)...god I love to hate politics.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Will the Real Obama Policy Please Stand Up

Over the past few months there's been so much done to fix the problems at home we haven't really seen the Obama administration do what they promised. Clean up America's image with the rest of the world. Considering we have a "dream team" of foreign policy experts scattered amongst the Obama cabinet (ex. VP Biden, Sec. of State Clinton, Cheif of Staff Emanuel) we haven't seen them do much or frankly say much (unless you count Biden cursing every time he gets a other thought amazing how you go from such a power VP to such a wimp).

Iraq is a mess, Afghanistan is a mess, Pakistan is a mess, oh and the Israeli's have completely slapped Clinton and Biden in the face every time they speak up against the new settlements proposed in the middle of Jerusalem (which by the way will either give them all the good land in Jerusalem or lead to nothing but more control for the Israeli's). I've been reading some articles on how important peace in Israel is and more importantly the renewed focus on establishing a Palestinian state...yet no movement. The Israeli's don't care what the US says and are putting settlements into play so they can as usual dictate the peace process (if you consider talking about it in the media a peace process).

President Obama has a lot on his plate, yes, but frankly so does every President that's why you surround yourself with strong tough minded experienced politicians that will help lay the groundwork for your policy. Yes its been a short time, yes the economy is in the tanks, etc etc...however we over the past 10 years have screwed so many things up we need to start repairing them. If we correct one simple problem (a two fair state solution in Israel) this will help calm down much of the tension around the Muslim world.

Now that the economy is rebounding its time for the Obama administration to step up and push their foreign policy. Step 1 let the Israel's know that the Jewish lobby in the US won't dictate US Foreign Policy but the best interest of the United States will and right now an apartheid free Palestinian state is the solution. President Obama stop giving us speeches and start giving us results.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

D-Wade Say it Aint Mi-YaYo

After watching the Bulls I realized that this team is young raw and on the cusp. They pushed a very very good Cavs team to the brink in Game 2 and it took a big boy effort from the Chosen One to close these goofy group of put togethers.

Watching the game you couldn't help but notice that like or hate em Noah is an All-Star Center in the making and Rose is a 3 point shot away from being a top 3 PG in the league. But watching these fools during the stretch I just don't see a closer in either of em...Noah didn't close at Florida and Rose although amazing in the Kansas game just didn't shut the door...(i.e. Chalmers 3...yeah f-in Mario Chalmers)

They need the homegrown superstar to come to the Windy City. I mean let's be honest outside of Kobe, D-Wade is 2nd best closer in the game (closed the door in the Mave face and dont gimme the he got calls argument name a superstar that doesn't in crucial moments)...the kid can get to the lane at will, make 3's and when he wants can d up on any 2 guard in the league. If D-Wade left Miami I know he'd have to give up all the chicks, partying, and weather...but Chi-town ain't bad for those things look at Peppers, homies already having a good time popping 15 bottles in the club.

With D-Wade, Noah, and Rose they could create a dynasty like MJ's era (and some 'nice' role players Deng, Heinrich, Johnson, and whoever it don't matter)...young nasty players the love to play ball, it would be sick I'm telling you...So D-Wade as you lose another first round series in the next week think about it homie I know you don't wanna leave the Mi-Yayo, but there's beezies in Chi-Town and a lot of rings if you want em...

Monday, April 19, 2010

New iPhone "Leaked"

Today somehow someway the newest iPhone version was "leaked"...amazingly everyone seems to think that it was an unintentional mishap by one of the Apple employees. I on the other hand do NOT think so.

Do Apple employees who get wasted at a small bar in Redwood City get new products almost three months before its going to be launched, maybe (i don't think so...but hey your reading this so anythings possible). Secondly, Apple has blossomed over the past few years cultivating buzz around new product launches, (I know Jobs gets up and does his dog and pony show at various conferences) but if you remember he will no longer be doing so due to the fact every time he looks even worse on stage health concerns drive the stock price down. I personally think that this was another controlled and calculated move by the Apple branding machine, but I'm probably wrong. The best way to get people's opinions is to get buzz on the internet and have it spread like wildfire (which if your Apple isn't hard to do these days). Jobs from what I understand runs his ship very tight and if this really was a mistake, well Stevie J will cut the person's head off using his new iPad.

Regardless of you what think Apple has one of the strongest brands in the world and mistake or not just the sight of a new product by Apple has the whole internet buzzing.